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Sponsorship Package
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By the end workshop the participants will be able to:
1. Identify the different types of PRP.
2. Differentiate between the different types of PRP tubes. 3. Recognize the preparation techniques.
4. Prepare PRP.
5. Identify the different indications of PRP injection in aesthetic gynecology and female sexual dysfunction.
Workshop description:
The workshop will start with a 1 hour presentation followed by 3 hours of hands-on training on real patients. The trainer will be continuously following the participants during practice giving them the needed feedback. Finally, wrapping, group feedback and take home message will be provided. A learning material in the form of hand out will also be provided.
6. Perform the injection technique in the proper sites according to indications.
By the end workshop the participants will be able to:
1.Differentiate between the different types of energy based devices and their mechanism of action.
2.Identify the different indications and roles in aesthetic gynecology, female sexual dysfunction and stress urinary incontinence.
3.Recognize the techniques for vulvar and vaginal rejuvenation.
4.Use them on real patients
Workshop description:
The workshop will start with a 1 hour presentation followed by 3 hours of hands-on training on real patients. The trainer will be continuously following the participants during practice giving them the needed feedback. Finally, wrapping, group feedback and take home message will be provided. A learning material in the form of hand out will also be provided
By the end workshop the participants
will be able to:
1.Identify the normal sonographic anatomy of fetal central nervous system.
2.Recognize the different anomalies that may affect fetal central nervous system.
3.Identify the difficulties in fetal neuro-sonography.
4.Write elaborative sonographic report.
5.Perform fetal neuro-sonography.
Workshop description: The workshop will start with a 2 hours presentation followed by 4 hours of hands-on training on pregnant women. The trainer will be continuously following the participants during practice giving them the needed feedback. Finally, wrapping, group feedback and take home message will be provided. A learning material in the form of hand out will also be provided.
By the end workshop the participants
will be able to:
1.Identify the different types of barded sutures.
2.Differentiate between the uses of barbed sutures in the vulva and vagina.
3.Recognize the different application techniques, contraindications and complications.
4.Perform the application techniques in the proper sites according to the different indications.
5.Recognize the post insertion follow up protocol.
Workshop description:
The workshop will start with a 1 hour presentation followed by 3 hours of hands-on training on real patients. The trainer will be continuously following the participants during practice giving them the needed feedback. Finally, wrapping, group feedback and take home message will be provided. A learning material in the form of hand out will also be provided.
By the end workshop the participants
will be able to:
1.Identify the different types of vulvar whitening.
2.Differentiate between the different types of used materials and products.
3.Recognize the techniques of vulvar whetining.
4.Perform the techniques in the proper sites according to indications.
5.Recognize the post insertion follow up protocol.
Workshop description:
The workshop will start with a 1 hour presentation followed by 3 hours of hands-on training on real patients. The trainer will be continuously following the participants during practice giving them the needed feedback. Finally, wrapping, group feedback and take home message will be provided. A learning material in the form of hand out will also be provided.
By the end workshop the participants
will be able to:
1.Identify the indications of Doppler studies in obstetrics.
2.Recognize the different Doppler indices, their meanings and importance.
3.Identify the difficulties in obstetrical Doppler studies.
4.Perform Doppler studies on pregnant women.
Workshop description:
The workshop will start with a 2 hours presentation followed by 4 hours of hands-on training on pregnant women. The trainer will be continuously following the participants during practice giving them the needed feedback. Finally, wrapping, group feedback and take home message will be provided. A learning material in the form of hand out will also be provided.